$B:#2s$O!"=iF|(B (7/9 Sat) $B$K0lHL8~$1$N(B Debian Day $B$r3+:E$7$?$"$H!"(B8$BF|4V(B (7/10-7/17) $B3+H/$l(B1$B!A(B2$B2q>l;HMQ$7$F$NF|Dx!#(B
$B>\$7$$F|Dx$O(Bdebconf5 Activities Schedule$B$d(B
$BF|IU(B |
$BFbMF(B |
7/9 (Sat) Debian Day |
- Greetings - Martin-.ANIric Racine, Andreas Schuldei, Branden Robinson
- What is Debian - Jaldhar H. Vyas
- What is Free Software - Gunnar Wolf
- Linux Aktivaattori - Martin-.ANIric Racine
- Custom Debian Distributions and Debian Derivatives - Aigars Mahinovs
- A Travel Through Debian - Juan Jose Amor Slides Paper
- Debian Release Processes - A retrospective of Sarge: Andreas Barth
- Government case: Extremadura county - Dario Rapisardi and Pedro P.ANirez
- Getting Involved as an End User - Alexander Schmehl
- Developing Software for Debian - Martin-.ANIric Racine
- How Hewlett-Packard Benefits from Debian - Bdale Garbee
7/10 (Sun) DebConf |
- 10:00 Welcome to Debconf - Debconf5 Organizers
- 11:00 Debootstrap - Anthony Towns
- 12:55 Small Teams in Debian everywhere - Andreas Schuldei
- 12:55 WTFM: Write the Fine Manual - Branden Robinson
- 13:50 Multiarch .AN- A proposal and an Implementation - Tollef Fog Heen
- 14:45 Debtags - Enrico Zini
7/11 (Mon) DebConf |
- 09:05 Appealing presentations with LaTeX beamer - Andreas Tille
- 09:05 Debian development in the third world: Latin America - Gunnar Wolf, Christian Perrier
- 10:00 Debian Derivatives Panel - Benjamin Mako Hill
- 12:55 Search Engines in Debian - Takatsugu Nokubi
- 12:55 Embedded Debian Demo - Wookey Slides
- 13:50 Custom Debian Distributions - Andreas Tille
- 14:45 Debian Release Management - Andreas Barth
7/12 (Tue) DebConf |
- 09:05 Software in the Public Interest, Inc. Workshop - Benjamin Mako Hill
- 09:05 Alternate approaches to package management and autobuilding (or: let's reinvent the wheel) - Simon Richter
- 10:00 Debbugs, tips, tricks, and hacks - Anthony Towns
- 12:55 OpenOffice.org in Debian - Chris Halls, Rene Engelhard
- 12:55 Writing enterprise ready software - Petter Reinholdtsen
- 13:50 Linda - A Debian package checker written in Python - Steve Kowalik
- 14:45 Securing the Testing Distribution - Joey Hess
7/13 (Web) $B4Q8w(B |
7/14 (Thu) DebConf |
- 09:05 Shared Library Packaging - Junichi Uekawa
- 10:00 Debian Website Round Table Frank Lichtenheld
- 11:00 Ubuntu Talk - Mark Shuttleworth
- 12:55 Zen and the art of Free Software: know your user, know yourself - Enrico Zini
- 12:55 Autobuilding experimental - Andreas Barth
- 13:50 Debian-Kernel Team Overview and Status - Dann Frazier
- 14:45 Debian New Maintainer Process: History and Aims - Hanna Wallach, Dafydd Harries, Moray Allan
7/15 (Fri) DebConf |
- 09:05 Documentation in Debian - Takatsugu Nokubi
- 09:05 Freezing HEL Over - Scott James Remnant
- 10:00 Debian Women and Women in Free Software - Erinn Clark & Magni Onsoien
- 12:55 Customization of GNU libc locale files - Denis Barbier
- 12:55 Revision Control Systems - Mark Shuttleworth
- 12:55 Evaluating Open Source in Commercial Environments - Martin Langhoff
- 13:50 Debian Installer - a developers view on its past, present & future - Holger Levsen, Joey Hess, Christian Perrier, Frans Pop Slides
- 14:45 Are we really devoted to our users? - Margarita Manterola
7/16 (Sat) DebConf |
- 09:10 Altivec optimizations on Debian/powerpc - Konstantinos Margaritis
- 09:10 Conducting Cooperatively towards a better Debian - Jeroen van Wolffelaar
- 10:05 Debian-Med - Andreas Tille
- 10:05 Safer Hex in Public - Holger Levsen
- 11:00 Using Debian in hardware with no OSS drivers - Manuel Romero
- 11:00 FAI the Fully Automatic Installation - Thomas Lange
- 12:55 Open Source in South Asia - Jaldhar Vyas
- 12:55 Structural Evolution - Bdale Garbee
- 13:50 Ending flamewars with polygen - Enrico Zini
- 13:50 Tutorial about programs, debconf, man pages translation using gettext - Christian Perrier
- 14:30 Debian Edu - Upgrading a preconfigured CDD - Petter Reinholdtsen
- 14:30 Cross-compiling applications and creating Debian packages for embedded systems - Carlos Aguiar
7/17 (Sun) DebConf |
- 09:10 Next-generation Debian initscripts - Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
- 10:05 The Debian Free Software Guidelines - Matthew Garret
- 10:05 Volatile archive for Debian - Andreas Barth
- 11:00 Free Standards - Matt Taggart
- 11:00 Cross-Compiling Debian from Scratch - Timo Savola
- 12:55 Package Management and Revision Control, A wedding - Scott James Remnant
- 12:55 Using Debian for science research - Helen Faulkner
$B"#(B7/10: Multiarch - A proposal and an Implementation - Tollef Fog Heen
$B$3$3(B2$B!A(B3$BG/$N2]Bj$H$J$C$F$$$k(B multiarch $B%5%]!<%H!#(B
- filesystem: /usr/lib/$arch-$os, /usr/include/$arch-$os
- Features: amd64, i386, linux
$B"#(B7/11: Debian development in the third world: Latin America - Gunnar Wolf, Christian Perrier
$BFn%"%a%j%+CO0h$G$N(B OSS $BIa5Z$H(B Debian $B3+H/$J$I$K$D$$$F!#(B
- bolivia: fre people have computers - but there is _plenty_ of very cheap internet cafes in many medium sized city
- mexico: there is DSL coverage in over 80% of the country
- brazil: community connectivity points everywhere
- language barrier - very few people skeak English - that's problem.
$B"#(B7/11: Search Engines in Debian - Takatsugu Nokubi
- N-gram (Debian -> De eb bi ia an): Pros: be able to match the part of any words, no search missing. cons: too many match, expensive calculation cost.
- suffix array (debian -> an, bian, debian, ebian, ian, n): arary of ponters (sorted), pros: no search missing, cons: huge index (4 times on 32bit arch), need to remain the original source, expensive on indexing (sorting)
- asian language issue: word segmentation (word suffix), character encoding
- how to segment: longest match from dics: kakasi (for japanese), morphological analysis: noun, verb... chasen, mecab (for many languages, but only for japanese)
- word suffix: $BF0$/(B $B"*(B $BF0$+$J$$(B | $BF0$-$^$9(B (variants)
- /usr/share/doc: there're no i18n policy, info: no info policy
- future: desktop search system, web cache search, GNOME: Beagle (based on dotlucene), KDE: not yet. (will be implemented on KDE4)
- web cache search: there're some implementations (WWWOFFLINE, squid), not there for local cache (mozilla, firefox), need to integrate with desktop search
$B"#(B7/11: Debian Release Management - Andreas Barth
$B%j%j!<%9%"%7%9%?%s%H(B aba $B$K$h$k!"(Bsarge $B$H(B etch $B$N%j%j!<%9%^%M%8%a%s%H$K$D$$$F!#(B
- tools: testing migration: britney + hints, release critical bugs
- security stats: merkel.d.o/~joeyh/testing-security.html
- britney runs shortly after dinstall - results are only visible in dists/ after next dinstall, testing output and excuses are published directly, britney can be re-run during the day
- what could have worked better: release team shouldn't be crushed under unfreeze requests in the final stage / shorter base-freeze / fewer packages in base-freeze / freezing also development-packages earlier? / version-tracking on bugs.d.o / prevent cd download madness on monday / better way for final qa of release and cds / build cds from final official archive state / use code-names when you mean the release / even more hints / security after release
- further improvements in etch: time based release. dec 2006. / only few blockes: toolchain, x.org, doc-in-main, firmware-in-main, ports.d.o, amd64, secure apt / other issues are only pet release goals / lesser dependency between shlib bumps, transitions. / more qa: automatic package install tests. / less pain with specific archs / better interaction kernel and installer / better udeb-handling in britney / checklist with dependencies: no out-of-order processing / pseudo-package for release notes / more uptodate information on release.d.o
$B"#(B7/12: Debbugs, tips, tricks, and hacks - Anthony Towns
debbugs $B$d(B BTS $B$J$I$K$D$$$F!#(B
- web interface requirements: always available, easy to access
- email interface requirements: easy to use from anywhere, quickly reflected on website, info on what was changed for manual recovery
- breaks up bugs into manageable sections, not really applicable outsize of debian, selection byte source package/maintainer/submitter/severity/and tag also possible, finding the interesting bugs is hard
- database structure: filesystem based db, split into archived and active bugs, hashed by last two digits of bug number, text files!, ..four per bug, ..hence the hashing
- index.db and index.archive: simple summary of all bugs, needed when searching for interesting bugs (or else you have to poen 50,000 summary files)
- bugscan: the script that generates the rc bug list, used to generate the old bugs lists and the non-wishlist bugs graphs, single idea: troll through the status/summary files and collate the interesting info into a graph or web page, fairly easy to hack on and completely non-instructive
- developed for debconf 2003(oslo) for bugsquashing, changes to pkreport.cgi to support passing through a list of intersting bug numbers, a claims.cgi script that allowed developers to edit a list of interesting bugs andmake the querying less ugly, (not intergrated and no longer very useful with debbugs not on a developer accessible machine)
- missing features: integration with upstream and downstream BTSes -spam prevention -file grained selection and control of bugs -secrecy and authentication -prettiness
$B"#(B7/12: Linda - A Debian package checker written in Python - Steve Kowalik
lintian $B$NBeBX%Q%C%1!<%8%A%'%C%+(B linda $B$K$D$$$F!#(B
- lintian is already existed!?
- linda -f help: branden: Give checks that 'Branden touch'.
$B"#(B7/12: Securing the Testing Distribution - Joey Hess
- dependency hell - unrelated RC bugs can block security fixes -build in testing delays -autobuilder lag -based on unstable which has no security team
- http://secure-testing.alioth.debian.org/
- http://newraff.debian.org/~joeyh/testing-security.html
$B"#(B7/15: Freezing HEL Over - Scott James Remnant
dpkg $B$N8=>u$H:#8e$NM=Dj!#(B
- new Enhances and Breaks relationsships, New postinst arguments for Enhances
- new ways of expressing dependices, new source package format
- FILTERS: modify data about the files in a package, happens when package is unpacked or removed, don't get told which (so they don't give different answers)
- Diversions / Stat Overrides / FHS Transitions / Multi-Arch (filter /usr/lib to /usr/lib/i486-linux-gnu automatically), rpm --relocate
- CLASSES: every file is placed in a class, or the default, class provides install and remove methods, methods are run with filtered information
- Config Files / DOcumentation / Optional content (/usr/share in multi-arch?) / Remove-only files (logs, potential configuration)
- dpkg v2: almost certainly something faster than dpkg/rfc822 / undo effects of dpkg-divert and stat-override / register conditional config files and log files in postinst / signature of file data can be signed
- BAD IDEAS: single-file source package, "spec" file to replace debian/, file-based dependencies, postinst.d/other script hooks
- roadmap: 1.13 i unstable for 6 months, freeze, new stuff into experimental, repeat until base freee, 1.16 for etch, 2.0 developed along side, expected for etch +1 or later
$B"#(B7/15: Debian Women and Women in Free Software - Erinn Clark & Magni Onsoien
- women in IT: IT professionals: 20-35%, CS undergraduates: 10-40%, OSS projects: 1.5%
- women in debian: 4 female debian developers, currently 8 women in the NM queue, about 1% DD
- other projects: Gentoo 1%, Gnome: 4%, Misc project ML for gentoo, apache, Gnome, KDE, LKML: 0.1%
- debconf: 10% of the registered participants are women
$B"#(B7/15: Customization of GNU libc locale files - Denis Barbier
- collation algorithms: strxfrm
$B"#(B7/15: Debian Installer - a developers view on its past, present & future - Holger Levsen, Joey Hess, Christian Perrier, Frans Pop Slides
- TODO: UTF-8 default, updates for sarge, graphical installer, encrypted fs support, hardware detection, accessability, install via pppoe, disk space size check
$B"#(B7/16: Altivec optimizations on Debian/powerpc - Konstantinos Margaritis
- using Altivec optimization: memcpy is 4 times faster, memchr/strnlen 10x, memset 10x, memfrob 24x, swab 11x, hashing 2-7x, adler32 2.5x, zlib 25%, insertion sort 2-54x, zlib - with only 2/6 functions vectorized, increasing copying data will be normal memcpy==altivec memcpy
- $B%3%T!<%5%$%:$,Bg$-$/$J$C$F$bM-8z(B (prefetch$B$,M-8z(B?)
- memcpy 4x $B$O(B L1 $B$K%R%C%H$9$k(B20KB $B$/$i$$$N$H$-$@$1(B. $B$"$H$O(B 2x
- insertion sort -> $BF1;~$K(B4$B$D%=!<%H$,2DG=(B, insertion sort -> 54x faster, qsort $B$O$^$@L$context switch cost $B$OL$7WB,!"(Bkernel <-> userland copy $B$O(B freescale $B$,(B tcp/ip with csum (csum_generic_copy?) $B$r$d$C$F$k$i$7$$(B
debconf $B$NL%NO$N0l$D$,!"F|>o$rK:$l$F%O%C%/$K?47l$rCm$2$k$3$H$+$b$7$l$J$$!#(B
$B;d$O:#2s!":n6H;~4V$I$3$m$+%+%s%U%!%l%s%9$NBgH>$N;~4V$r(Bglibc 2.3.5/2.3.90 $B$N(B gcc-4.0 $BBP1~HG$r(B etch $B$K(B
- sarge $B%j%j!<%90J8e$7$P$i$/J|CV$7$F$$$?$?$aBgNL$N%P%0$r@0M}!#(B
- $B@h$K(B gcc-4.0 + binutils 2.16 $B$,%"%C%W%m!<%I$5$l$F$7$^$C$?$?$a!"(Bglibc 2.3.5 $B$r(B gcc-4.0
$B$KBP1~$9$k$h$&A4(B12 (+ 64$B%S%C%H(Bx3) $B%"!<%-%F%/%A%c$G=$@5!\%3%s%Q%$%k3NG'!#(B
- ppc64 $B:n6H!"(Bpowerpc/ppc64 biarch $B$KBP1~!#(B
$B:n6H$N$+$$$"$C$F!"8=;~E@(B (8/3) $B$G$[$\$9$Y$F$N:n6H$,40N;!"%"%C%W%m!<%I=`Hw$KF~$C$F$$$k!#(B
$B:n6H4|4V$N(B changelog $B$O(B $B$3$N$h$&$J46$8(B$B$K$J$C$?!#(B
Debconf $B$O!"9V1i$h$j$b!"$`$7$m;22C
7/12($B2P(B) $B$K9T$J$o$l$?(B Debconf $B$r$I$&3+:E$9$k$+$N(B BoF$B!#:#2s$N35MW$H!"(B
$B$A$J$_$K!"(B2006$BG/(B Debconf $B3+:ECO$O%a%-%7%3$,7hDj$7$F$*$j!"(B2007$BG/$O%.%j%7%c$K(B
IM (Input Method: $BF~NO%a%+%K%:%`(B) $B$K4X$9$k(B BoF$B!#(BIM $B$N8=>u$H(B Debian $B$G$I$&07$&$+$K$D$$$F5DO@$r9T$J$C$?!#(B
$B;22Ce@n(B (Japanese IM canna)$B!&1-;t(B (Japanese IM SKK and UIM)$B!&(B
$BIpF#(B (Debian IM Framework)$B!&8eF#!#(BNokia $B$+$i$O(B Chen$B!&(BRichard (Chinese, Nokia) ($B7I>JN,(B) $B$,;22C!#(B
XIM, SCIM, UIM $B$NB>!"(BNokia $B$N3+H/$7$F$$$k(BDebian$B%Y!<%9$NC
$B7kO@$H$7$F!"$;$a$F$^$:$O(B IM $B$K4X$9$k(B HOWTO $B$r1Q8l$G@0Hw$7$F$$$/$3$H$,I,MW$G$O$J$$$+!"$^$?(B
$B<+F0E*$K8@8lKh$K(B IM $B@_Dj$,$G$-$k;EAH$_$,I,MW$G$O$J$$$+!"$H$J$C$?!#(B
$B2q>l$H$J$C$?(B$B%l%9%H%i%s(B toolonranta$B!#(B
$B:rG/$+$i;O$^$C$?(B ppc64 $B%5%]!<%H$K4X$7$F!"(BMatthias Klose (doko) $B$d(B Sven Luther (svenl) $B$H(B
$B0U8+8r49!#FC$K(B svenl $B$O!"(Bppc64 $B%+!<%M%k$r%5%]!<%H$9$k$?$a$KI,MW$J(B gcc 64 $B%S%C%H%5%]!<%H$,(B
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Debconf5 $B$G$O!"(BJeff Bailey $B$d(B Matthias Klose $B$N:n@.$7$?(B Ubuntu $B4D6-$rMxMQ$7!"(B
ppc64 $B%5%]!<%H$r?J$a$?!#(B
Debian $B$O!"
Debian GNU/kFreeBSD$B$O!"(B
FreeBSD $B$+$i%+!<%M%k$@$1;}$C$F$-$F(B (kFreeBSD $B$N(B k $B$O%+!<%M%k$N0UL#(B)$B!"(B
Debian $B%7%9%F%`$rF0$+$7$F$7$^$*$&$H$$$&$b$N!#(B
libc $B$H$7$F(B Glibc $B$r:NMQ$7$F$$$k$?$a!":#8e$N%Q%C%A/$75DO@$r$7$?!#(B
Debian $B$G$O$9$G$K(B Linux$B!&(BHurd $B$H$$$&(B2$B$D$N%+!<%M%k$r%5%]!<%H$7$F$$$k!#(B
$B2TF/(B OS $B$Ne$N$?$a$K$b6=L#?<$$:n6H$G$O$J$$$+$H;W$&!#(B
belocs-locales-* $B%Q%C%1!<%8$r%a%s%F%J%s%9$7$F$$$k(B Denis Barbier$B!"(Bglibc localedata
$B%a%s%F%J(B Petter Reinholdtsen (pere) $B$H$N5DO@!#(B
Denis $B$O!"8=>u$N(B glibc $B%m%1!<%k%Q%C%1!<%8$N>u67$K$"$^$jNI$$0u>]$r;}$C$F$*$i$:!"(B
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- debconf3 $B$O!"F|Dx$,(B debcamp + $B9V1i$N(B2$BIt9=@.$N$?$a!"9V1i$@$1J9$$$F5"$C$F$7$^$&$3$H$,B?$+$C$?!#(B
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- $B:#2s$G;02sL\$N;22C$H$J$k(B Debconf $B$G$"$k$,!";d8+$G$O$3$l$^$G$G$b$C$H$b@.8y$7$?(B
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- $B$^$:$O$3$3$+$i(B:
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- $B1-;t;a$NF|5-(B
- debconf3,4$B$N4XO"%j%s%/(B
- Version 1.0: $B=i4|HG(B
- Version 1.1: $BEl5~%(%j%"(BDebian$BJY6/2q(B, YLUG $B8x3+HG(B
- Version 1.2: web $B8x3+HG(B
$B8eF#@5FA(B Goto, Masanori <gotom @ debian . org>